Your workflow in Image Optimizer will consist of up to five main stages. Each stage can be performed a number of ways. The steps you use will depend on what you are trying to do and on your personal taste. 

The stages are:

See also
Online Animated Tutorials

N.B. It is recommended to use the tools in the above order for the fastest use of the program. You can go back and use a tool later but this sometimes will slow operations down. This is because Image Optimizer always carries out operations all in one go working from the source image to ensure the best quality results possible.

If you are optimizing an image already compressed by another package you might:

  • Drag and drop the image onto Image Optimizer
  • Reduce the image quality
  • MagiCompress the image
  • Reduce the level of MagiCompression in sensitive regions of the image
  • Save the image back over the original image.

If you were optimizing an image for the web from a paint package you might:

  • Copy the image to the clipboard in your paint package
  • Paste the image into Image Optimizer
  • Select between JPEG and GIF format
  • Compress the image
  • Save to a file in your web site images directory

If you want to send a magazine article or photo to a colleague you might:

  • Acquire the image from your scanner or digital camera
  • Rotate, crop and resize the image
  • Compress the image to give a reasonable upload/download time
  • Switch to the email function and add an addressee a subject and a message

There are many other ways to use Image Optimizer. The following sections will detail the steps in your workflow.

Opening an Image

Image Optimizer Workflow